Overview: Staff can make or break a business. They deal with your customers, they see how the business operates, they see the good and bad points of your business, they are part of your community and also your customers. Trained, motivated and happy staff are critical to your business success. Businesses that put management time into carefully recruiting and developing  their staff perform far better than those who simply treat staff as a resource.

Who to Employ: Employ staff who compliment existing skill sets and have new ones of actual or potential use to your business. 

Subsidies: Check out what grants, subsidies and support are available for taking on additional staff on a part time or full time basis.

CVs and References: Require a formal CV from all applicants. This ensures that you have the chance to filter the applicants prior to the interviews

Unsuccessful: Personally write, in a timely manner, to unsuccessful applicants. Some businesses give a small reward as this can help get a new customer. 

Successful: Successful applicants should receive a letter  that details the time, place, dress and an overview of the interview.

Preparation: If applicants need to attend the interview with supporting documentation, references etc give details in the acceptance letter.

Pre Interview: It is often useful to give prospective staff a tour of the business before an interview. This allows them get an understanding of how it works 

Interview Process: Explain the manner and the timings of the recruitment and interview process. This helps the interviewee to understand and mentally prepare.

The Interview: Plan the interview carefully. Ensure that you can fully explore what it is you need to learn in order to make a good employee choice

Interview Costs: Most applicants are likely to be unemployed at the time of the interview. It is normal practice to cover any costs they may incur like travel.

Have Contracts: All staff should have an employment contract. This  helps both parties be fully aware of roles, responsibilities and accountability.

Staff Handbook: All businesses should have a staff handbook that details what the business is, its standards, behaviours and requirements on staff.

Pairing: New staff should be assigned to an experienced staff member and shadow them for a week to learn how the business operates.

Dress Code: Business increasingly insist on a dress code for staff. This helps ensure that  brand is supported and customers can easily identify staff .

Name Tags: Name tags are used to allow customers to engage in a more personalised interaction if they choose. Tags should be printed and be to as good standard.

Staff benefits: Staff should be encouraged to buy or trade with the business. This is a powerful marketing tool. Staff discounts are common benefit. 

Celebrate: Events of importance to staff should be celebrated. Birthdays are especially important. Some businesses give staff a day off on their birthday. 

Friends / Family: Staff friends and family are potential customers.  Have a special late opening or event for them on a regular basis.

Cross Training: Staff take holidays and may suffer illness. Cross training ensures that your business always has the skills available to function.

Review / Feedback: Reviews are a critical way of assessing how staff perform and what they feel about the business. Annual staff reviews are a minimum.

Involve Staff: Involve staff in decision processes. They have great ideas and should be encouraged the give the. Reward them for participation.

Surprise Them: Do something unusual or valuable to staff to show your appreciation. This is appreciated and word gets out that you are a good employer.